Thermo-Economic Analysis of Applying Cooling System Using Fog on GE-F5 Gas Turbines (Case Study)

Document Type : Full Lenght Research Article


1 Department of Energy, Material and Energy Research Center (MERC), Tehran, Iran

2 Department of Mechanical Engineering, Iranian Research Organization for Science and Technology (IROST), Tehran, Iran


Presently, nearly 26,000 MW gas power plant and nearly 16,000 MW of combined cycle has been installed in the country. But their power output in summer reduces to a minimum, where most demand is required, compared to the winter season. The main reason for that is gas turbine dependence on the ambient air temperature. Since most of our country has warm and dry climates, cooling down the input air to the compressor by means of water evaporation is the simplest method.
In this paper, attempts have been made to investigate the thermos-dynamical and economical behavior of fog system on four units of GE-F5 applied in Shahid Zanbagh power plant. The results show that application of this method, causes increase in mass flow rate of the air input and reduces consuming work of compressor, where power production increases by 2.64 MW and the required water for each unit is equal to 0.761 kg/s, also the payback time for this system was calculated to be less than 3 years.


Main Subjects

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