

Welcome to the Review Process:

Our review process is following the guidelines from COPE. Reviewing manuscripts is both a privilege and a significant responsibility. At the Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer Research (JHMTR), we value the time and expertise that reviewers dedicate to ensuring the quality and integrity of the research we publish.

JHMTR adheres to a single-blind peer-review process, where reviewers know the identities of the authors, but authors do not know the identities of the reviewers. This approach helps maintain fairness and objectivity in the review process.

Reviewers' Responsibilities:

  1. Critical and Constructive Review:
    • Assess the manuscript critically but constructively.
    • Provide detailed comments and suggestions to help authors improve their work.
  2. Reviewing Multiple Versions:
    • Be prepared to review revised versions of the manuscript as needed.
  3. Timely Submission:
    • Ensure all required information is submitted within the established deadlines.
  4. Recommendation for Publication:
    • Advise the editor on the suitability of the manuscript for publication.
  5. Conflict of Interest:
    • Declare any potential conflicts of interest related to the authors or the content of the manuscript.
  6. Reporting Misconduct:
    • Report any signs of research misconduct, such as plagiarism or data fabrication.
  7. Suggesting Alternative Reviewers:
    • If unable to review the manuscript, suggest alternative reviewers.
  8. Confidentiality:
    • Treat the manuscript as a confidential document and do not share it with others.
  9. Use of Manuscript Content:
    • Do not use or misappropriate any information from the manuscript for personal research.
  10. Communication with Authors:
    • Do not communicate directly with the authors.
  11. Anonymity:
    • Maintain anonymity and do not identify yourself to the authors.
  12. Passing on Manuscripts:
    • Do not pass the manuscript to another reviewer without permission from the editor.
  13. Quality and Originality:
    • Ensure the manuscript is of high quality and represents original work.
  14. Duplicate Submission:
    • Inform the editor if the manuscript is under consideration elsewhere.
  15. Review Report Language:
    • Write your review report in English.


What to Check While Reviewing a Manuscript:

  1. Novelty: Is the work original and does it contribute new knowledge or insights?
  2. Originality: Is the research unique and not previously published or replicated elsewhere?
  3. Scientific Reliability: Are the methods and results reliable and reproducible?
  4. Contribution to Science: Does the manuscript provide valuable contributions to the field?
  5. New Aspects: Does it introduce new aspects or advancements in the field of study?
  6. Ethical Aspects: Are there any ethical concerns, such as research involving humans or animals?
  7. Structure and Guidelines: Does the manuscript adhere to the journal’s guidelines and structure?
  8. References: Are the references appropriate and do they support the content effectively?
  9. Language and Grammar: Is the manuscript free from grammatical, punctuation, and spelling errors?
  10. Scientific Misconduct: Look out for any signs of scientific misconduct or unethical practices.

Thank you for your valuable contribution to maintaining the quality and integrity of JHMTR. If you have any questions or need further assistance, please contact the editorial office at