Energy and Exergy Analysis of a Diesel Engine Running with Biodiesel Fuel

Document Type : Full Lenght Research Article


1 Department of Mechanical Engineering, Shahid Chamran University of Ahvaz, Ahvaz, Iran

2 Department of Mechanical Engineering, Shahid Chamran University of Ahvaz, Ahvaz, Iran.


Availability analysis is performed as an effective way to study of energy conversion for systems to identify the inefficiency. In this paper, a Single-zone model has been used in order to study the energy performance parameters and heat release rates. The governing equation of availability analysis is applied in this model; in addition, the possibility of using biodiesel that obtained from sunflower oil in diesel engine is investigated by mathematical simulation. Moreover, the different exergy parts of pure diesel fuel and pure biodiesel are compared in any crank angle. Results indicate that, by running considered diesel engine with biodiesel fuel, energy and exergy efficiencies would decrease about 2.72 and 2.61 percent respectively. As a result, work exergy and heat transfer exergy decreases and exhaust gases exergy and irreversibility increases. Consequently, when biodiesel is replaced by diesel fuel, CO amount is decreased and CO2 and NOx formation would be increased because of its molecular structure has more percentage of oxygen.


Main Subjects

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