Multi-Parameter Analysis of Low-Capacity C I Engine Powered with Biodiesel from Various Feedstock using Diesel R K Software

Document Type : Full Length Research Article


Department of Mechanical Engineering, Faculty of Technology & Engineering, M S University of Baroda, Gujarat, 390001, India


The application of simulation-based software is the current trend in technology to predict the behaviour of complex phenomena. The combustion process and emissions exertion process of internal combustion engines are critical and complex processes. An attempt has been made to conduct a comparative analysis of combustion, performance, and emissions parameters by the application of "Diesel R K software in the current work. A single-cylinder, diesel engine is used here which is powered by different blends of diesel-biodiesel. In this study Soybean, Karanja, and roselle feedstocks are used as biodiesel. A comparative study was conducted on parameters like rise in cylinder pressure, rate of heat release, exhaust gas temperature, BSFC, ITE, and emission parameters like BSN, carbon dioxide, nitrogen oxides, particulate matter, and smoke opacity. As the blend percentage increased, the highest cylinder pressure moved close to the top dead center (TDC). EGT, BSFC increases and ITE slightly decreases as the amount of SME, KB, and LA in blended increase. All of the SME, KB, and LA blends are discovered to emit more NOx than diesel. SME20, SME100, KB20, KB100, LA20, and LA100 all produced less smoke than diesel fuel by 43.51%, 60.60%, 48.32%, 59.54%, 44.66%, and 62.56%. 852.25 g/kWh respectively. KB100 omits the highest CO2 emission of all the fuels. LA20 emitted the lowest specific particulate matter emission at 0.058 g.KW/hr. The optimal ratio that offers the finest results in terms of performance and emissions with biodiesel is LA20.


Main Subjects

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