Impact of nano-fuel additives and nano-lubricant oil additives on diesel engine performance and emission characteristics

Document Type : Full Length Research Article


1 Government Engineering College, Bharuch - 392002, Gujarat, India

2 Shri S’ad Vidya Mandal Institute of Technology, Bharuch, 392002, India

3 Department of Mechanical Engineering, Rao Birender Singh State Institute of Engineering & Technology, Rewari, 123411, India


Fuel saving and emission control in transportation is a global critical issue so that research requires to concentrate on the energy conservation of diesel engines. Generally, in an internal combustion Engine, around 66 % of the total heat is lost and around 33% is used for Brake Power. It is very important to improve the energy level of the engine in the field of automobiles and that will show from the heat balance sheet of diesel engines. An attempt has been made to fulfil the above requirement by adding CuO and ZnO nano-additives to pure diesel fuel and Al2O3 and ZnO nano-lubricant additives to SAE 15W-40 engine lubricant oil by sonication process. Experimental work on vertical twin-cylinder four-stroke, water-cooled advanced computerized diesel engine carried out with no load to full load condition using computerised eddy current dynamometer attachment. The performance of the engine is evaluated by considering specific fuel consumption, brake thermal, mechanical, and volumetric efficiency, and exhaust emission. Results show that Specific fuel consumption is reduced by about 14.98%, Brake thermal efficiency is increased by about 17.62%, and Mechanical efficiency is increased by about 3.94% respectively using both nano fuel additives and nano lubricant additives. For exhaust, the emission is reduced by 20.04%, 10.25% for CO, NOx, and increased in CO2 by 29.16%. With the application of nano additives in fuel as well as in lubricating oil, the overall thermal performance can be appreciably improved and the exhaust gas pollutant from the engine can be significantly reduced.


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Articles in Press, Accepted Manuscript
Available Online from 31 July 2024
  • Receive Date: 06 March 2024
  • Revise Date: 25 July 2024
  • Accept Date: 31 July 2024