Numerical Study of Membrane Humidifier Performance with Single Channel Serpentine Configuration on Both Wet and Dry Sides

Document Type : Full Length Research Article


1 Department of Mechanical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, University of Isfahan, Isfahan, Iran

2 Department of Mechanical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, University of Zabol, Zabol, Iran


The simplest and most prevalent method for water management inside proton exchange membrane fuel cells is the moisturization of hydrogen gas and air (or oxygen) before fuel cell entrance. To this end, membrane humidifiers with distinct specifications such as structural simplicity, no electric power consumption, and lack of moving parts are used. The current paper presents a study of such a humidifier and proposes building serpentine flow channels on the wet and dry sides to increase gas retention duration on the membrane surface. The humidifier's numerical 3D modeling was used to analyze several parameters, including water volume passage through the membrane, flow velocity inside channels, gas temperature on the dry and wet sides, and pressure drop inside channels. According to the results, water moves from the wet side to the dry side through the membrane, and water concentration increases along the channel on the dry side, such that the water concentration at the output on the dry side reaches 2.8 moles per cubic meter. Although serpentine flow channels cause more pressure drop compared to parallel channels, the longer gas retention duration inside the channels on both dry and wet sides improves the humidifier's performance in terms of heat transfer and water mass transfer.


Main Subjects

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