Time Dependent Heat Source Estimation by Conjugate Gradient Method in Multi-Layers System for Hyperthermia of Breast cancer

Document Type : Full Length Research Article


1 Department of Mechanical Engineering, Shahrood Branch, Islamic Azad University, Shahrood, Iran

2 Shahrood University of Technology


Hyperthermia is a form of cancer treatment where the temperature of the tumor is elevated to levels that induce its elimination. This paper discusses using a heating power source to destroy breast cancer cells. The geometry of the breast tissue is represented as a hemisphere containing three layers; muscle, gland, and fat. The conjugate gradient method that is one of The most powerful iterative methods was used to solve the inverse heat conduction problem via the Pennes bioheat equation in an axisymmetric coordinate system, where the irregular region in the physical domain (r,z) was transformed into a rectangle in the computational domain (ξ, η). The performance of the algorithm was evaluated on a tested point located at the (5, 2) position, accounting for two temperature increments. The results confirmed the accuracy and viability of the algorithm, which makes this approach promising for the actual application for breast cancer treatment soon.


Main Subjects

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