Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer Research
ISO Abbreviation J. Heat Mass Transf. Res.
Start Publication 2013
Acceptance Rate 29%
Number of Volumes 12
Number of Issues 23
Number of Articles 210
Number of Contributors 484

Contributing Countries (Authors)


Contributing Countries (Reviewers)


Contributing Countries (Editorial/Advisory Board)

Number of Reviewers 451
Number of Indexing Databases 11
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Article View 274,067
PDF Download 146,133
View Per Article 1305.08
PDF Download Per Article 695.87

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Mechanical Engineering


Fluid Flow and Transfer Processes


Condensed Matter Physics

The Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer Research is an international, bi-annual publication (both in print and online) established in 2013 by Semnan University Press. The journal disseminates cutting-edge and innovative research findings in the domain of heat and mass transfer. This encompasses various subfields including conduction, convection, radiation, phase change phenomena, heat exchanger design and testing, nuclear reactors, geothermal heat recovery, and alternative energy systems. Additionally, it covers emerging technologies such as Micro-Electro-Mechanical Systems (MEMS), micro-channels, fuel cells, bio- and nano-technology, transport in porous media, ice formation and melting, reactor design, microreactors, multiphase reactors, multiscale modeling, and gas-solid reactions, as well as heat transfer in machinery and welding operations.

The Journal encourages contributions that facilitate the exchange of ideas and foster scholarly dialogue between practitioners, educators, and researchers in Mechanical and Chemical Engineering globally. The journal’s scope includes peer-reviewed original research articles, technical reports, review papers, short communications, and editorial notes. It welcomes high-quality research papers and reviews on any aspect of heat and mass transfer, whether theoretical, numerical, or experimental. The journal is published in English, with accepted papers available online immediately and subsequently in print.


New member of COPE

COPE We are pleased to announce that the application for COPE  membership of the Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer Research has been accepted on July, 2024.


Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer Research (JHMTR) utilizes "Plagiarism Detection Software (iThenticate)" for checking the originality of submitted manuscripts in the reviewing process.
Current Issue: Volume 12, Issue 1 - Serial Number 23, May 2025 (In Progress) 

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